This series is hosted by the Yale Applied Science Synthesis Program, Yale Center for Business and the Environment, and The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment. Facilitated by Brad Gentry (Yale/CBEY), Frances Seymour (WRI), Luke Sanford (Yale), Sara Kuebbing (Yale/YASSP), and Peter Boyd (Yale/CBEY).
The series features a wide range of experts from perspectives including tropical country governments, Indigenous peoples, buyers, standard setters, and project developers. In focusing on the issues facing tropical forest carbon crediting, the series seeks to explore the following questions: Why are tropical forest carbon credits different? Why is a distinction made between “project” and “jurisdictional” credits? How do the different parties see risks and opportunities? How does the experience in the voluntary carbon market relate to international or domestic compliance markets?
The series builds on the Fall 2022 YFF Speaker Series on “What Makes a High-Quality Forest Carbon Credit?”