Jessica Orrego
Jessica Orrego
Director of Natural Climate Solutions and Energy Trading - Mercuria
A Traders Perspective on REDD+ Crediting

February 23, 2023 - 11:30 AM
Mercuria is working with jurisdictions to develop Jurisdictional REDD+ programs under emerging carbon offset standards. The Mercuria director of Natural Climate Solutions, Jessica Orrego, will provide a summary of their work, associated lessons learned, as well as offering perspectives on the supply and demand of JREDD credits.
Speakers Biography
Jessica has worked in the carbon market for 20 years. Currently she serves as the Director of Natural Climate Solutions and Mercuria Energy Trading, where she oversees the screening and implementation of a global pipeline and portfolio of nature-based carbon projects and programs. Prior to joining Mercuria Jessica was the Managing Director of the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) and the Director of Forestry at the American Carbon Registry (ACR), which are both enterprises of Winrock International. During the earlier years of her career, she served as the technical director of an investment fund focused on forest carbon assets, managed by Equator LLC, as the US Director of Implementation at EcoSecurities, and as the Plan Vivo Director at UK-based Energy for Sustainable Development. Her career has provided her with expertise and a deep understanding of the carbon market and the technical requirements to create robust carbon offsets.