Sean Frisby
Sean Frisby
Managing Director - Emergent
REDD+ Crediting from the Perspective of Buyer Countries and Corporations
February 09, 2023 - 11:30 AM
In this topic we will explore buyers’ motivations for engaging in REDD+. Focussing on governments, which have primarily sought to reward emission reductions using their Official Development Assistance budgets. As well as corporations, which are increasingly seeking to purchase REDD+ credits as part of their climate and nature strategies. We will discuss how these different contexts have shaped buyers’ engagement, and the opportunities they have to play complimentary roles to help unlock REDD+’s full potential.
Speaker Biography
Sean is Managing Director at Emergent (link is external), a non-profit intermediary acting between tropical forest countries and the private sector to create a new marketplace for high-integrity, jurisdictional REDD+ credits. Previously he led the international policymaking and diplomatic efforts behind the commitments (link is external) to halt deforestation made by 140 Heads of State in Glasgow in 2021. As well as UK International Climate Finance (link is external) teams responsible for investing more than $850 million of Official Development Assistance to tackle deforestation and strengthen international carbon markets.