Molly Peters-Stanley

Molly Peters-Stanley

Negotiator - U.S. Department of State

Forest Carbon Credits in Compliance Markets: experience from Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)

April 13, 2023 - 11:30 AM

In spring 2020, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) governing Council issued its groundbreaking approval of carbon credits from jurisdictional REDD+ programs for compliance use under the sector’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). This presentation explores the multilateral decisions and carbon market developments that led to this decision; also, how CORSIA—and over a decade of experience with large-scale REDD+ strategies—is influencing carbon crediting approaches in other sectors and carbon markets.  

Speaker Biography

Molly Peters-Stanley joined the U.S. State Department in 2015, where she leads U.S. negotiations on international carbon markets, carbon market-based finance, and carbon crediting. Molly is a member of the Supervisory Body that governs the Paris Agreement’s Article 6.4 crediting mechanism; also, a member of a Technical Advisory Body that advises the International Civil Aviation Organization on carbon credit eligibility for the international aviation sector’s global market-based measure (called “CORSIA”). Prior to joining the State Department, Ms. Peters-Stanley served in a senior policy role advising the Federal Aviation Administration on the CORSIA’s carbon market design. From 2009, she served as Director of Ecosystem Marketplace, the world’s only platform providing real-time global voluntary carbon market news, data, and analytics free of charge. 

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