The mission of the Program in Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry (link is external) is to become a world leader in research, education, information dissemination and promotion of sustainable forestry, conservation of biodiversity, reforestation, plantation silviculture, and restoration of degraded landscapes throughout the tropics.  The program activities are carried out by the faculty of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (F&ES), in collaboration with colleagues from academic institutions in the tropics.  The program is closely linked to the Yale F&ES Tropical Resources Institute (TRI), sharing the overall philosophy of its mission, but with a more specific focus on tropical forestry research, education, and knowledge dissemination. 

The Program in Tropical Forestry seeks to expand and share the work of Yale faculty, students and staff by conducting research, offering relevant courses, seminars and roundtable workshops, and promoting cooperation among faculty, students and practitioners from Yale F&ES and worldwide. F&ES faculty teach graduate-level courses in agroforestry, tropical ecology, ecosystem restoration, conservation, and silviculture. 

The Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI) at Yale University in collaboration with the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is proud to announce an exciting new online certificate program entitled, “Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use”.

This comprehensive and interdisciplinary program is designed for professionals working to address the complex social, ecological and funding aspects of managing tropical forest landscapes. The 12-month program consists of four eight-week online courses, a capstone project and an optional field course in Latin America or Asia. Participants will learn from Yale faculty, ELTI team members and a network of international partners.

The program will run from June 2019 - May 2020. Applications are open now. The priority deadline for applications and scholarship eligibility is March 7, 2019

Interested in learning more? Visit the website for more information: (link is external)

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