The Overstory
Tri-Annual publication of Forest-Centric news produced by the Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment
All Overstory Articles
By Sara Santiago ’19 MF, Forest Fellow
In Panama’s dry and wet forests, 10,000 seedlings give insights into the future of forest structure and tree species... read more
The Yale Forest Forum (YFF) has been engaging people on the most important issues in forestry since 1994. In the spring of 2021, YFF brought together more than 1,... read more
By Emily Sigman ‘21 MF/MA
For decades, intrepid forestry students at Yale have taken part in a time-honored tradition: spending the summer working at the Yale-Myers... read more
By Sara Santiago ’19 MF, Forest Fellow
When walking through the woods, we might focus our attention on trees and wildlife. We might notice the crunch of leaves and... read more
See below for a list of YSE forestry-related faculty publications with their students and alumni (bolded) for June 2020-August 2021.
Benitez, L., &... read more