This Yale Forest Forum series is jointly hosted by the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology (link is external) and the Urban Resources Initiative (link is external).
Theory to Practice of Urban Forest Management
The structure and function of forests in rural areas has similarities to natural areas in cities, however the importance of street trees as part of the tree canopy and stressors in urban areas require different management approaches. Moreover, other essential facets of urban forestry vary from counterparts of rural forest management, including differing objectives and methods to achieve goals. For instance, objectives of urban forest management may be focused on reducing impacts of urban heat island or reversing inequitable tree cover in low-income communities. Concepts of community forestry also apply across the spectrum of rural-to-urban, however the density of landowners in urban forestry makes the application of the model different in cities.
YFF Review
The YFF Review publication summarizes the findings and learnings from all of the presentations from this speaker series, and it is free and open to the public.