Danica Doroski
Danica Doroski
State Urban Forestry Coordinator - Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Stand Dynamics and Diversity Patterns in Planted and Naturally Regenerating Urban Forests
February 24, 2022 - 11:30 AM
Effective management of urban forests depends on baseline information on both the current and potential future forest conditions, however, urban forest dynamics are poorly understood. This presentation will explore urban forest dynamics by examining patterns of nativity, diversity, and species composition in planted and naturally regenerating urban forests. Examining both natural regeneration and tree planting – the two sources of future trees in urban forests – highlights future canopy conditions and illuminates management interventions needed to steer towards healthy, resilient, and native dominated-urban forest types.
Speaker Biography
Danica Doroski received her Ph.D. and M.F.S. from the Yale School of the Environment. She is currently the State Urban Forestry Coordinator at Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Prior to moving to Connecticut, Danica worked in New York City for the New York Restoration Project and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation and in Philadelphia at the Morris Arboretum.