Sharon Jean-Philippe
Sharon Jean-Philippe
Professor of Urban Forestry - Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee
The Urban Forest: An Introduction
January 20, 2022 - 11:30 AM
Urban forests provide communities with environmental, economic and social benefits and habitat for fish and wildlife. Thus, urban forests are not only about the trees in the city, but rather, they are a critical part of the green infrastructure that makes up the city ecosystem. Unfortunately, they are constantly facing challenges such as urban expansion, invasive pests, changing climates and underfunded management and maintenance. Unlike their counterparts in natural settings, urban forests exist and are maintain through human intervention. This presentation examines urban forests history, land use within urban forest and associated professions involved in managing the urban forest.
Speaker Biography
Dr. Sharon Jean-Philippe is a Professor of Urban Forestry in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries. She earned her M.S. in Botany and PhD. in Natural Resources from the University of Tennessee in 2005 and 2010. She is the undergraduate advisor for urban forestry students and teaches several courses within the urban forestry concentration. Sharon is a member of the International Society of Arboriculture Board of Directors and Board Treasurer; in addition, she serves on multiple state and national committees and advises student chapters of Gamma Beta Phi and Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) at the University of Tennessee.