Sam Cook
Sam Cook
Executive Director - NCSU College of Natural Resources
Why the Farm Bill could shape solutions for small landowners from all walks of life?

October 09, 2023 - 12:00 PM
Producers and land managers are experiencing firsthand the impacts of climate change caused by the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. With support from USDA NRCS, farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners across the nation’s working lands can contribute to climate solutions.
Speaker Biography
Sam Cook has made his mark on multiple aspects of forestry during his esteemed career. He is currently the executive director of Forest Assets and VP of the Natural Resources Foundation for the College of Natural Resources at NC State University. He coordinates the management of the forest assets owned land by the State of NC, The Endowment Fund of NC State Univ., and the NC State College of Natural Resources Foundation, Inc. In 2021 elected to serve as the Society of American Foresters vice president started Jan. 2022, and moved to President in Jan. 2023. He also serves as a Board member for Tuskegee (AL.) University Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (former 2019-2022 President), World Forestry Center (president), (Portland, Oregon), Forest History Society (Durham, NC), Land Trust Alliance (National), and a Resource Committee Advisor for the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) (Washington, DC) - representing the Black Family Land Trust (NC/VA). In previous roles at both the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation (Director of Forestry) and as a private forestry consultant, he has played an integral role in developing and implementing a system of support that allows natural resource partners, forest and other landowners of all income levels to increase their forest sustainability and income through sustainable forestry programs. Sam has also worked with the USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Boise, ID), Duke Energy Progress (Durham, NC), and, the Global Fiber Supply (formerly Forest Resource Division) of International Paper Company. He held board positions for the Triangle Land Conservancy, VP (Durham, NC), and the NC Coastal Land Trust-Land Conservation Committee (Wilmington, NC). Sam is and has been very conservation-focused throughout his 40+-year career. In 2021, he was inducted into the World Forestry Center’s Forestry Leadership Hall and presented the Distinguished Alumni Award by the NC State University College of Natural Resources.