Steven McNulty
Steven McNulty
USDA Forest Service senior research ecologist, and director of the USDA Southeast Climate Hub - USDA Forest Service
What is Climate Smart Forestry?

September 11, 2023 - 12:00 PM
Steven McNulty a USDA Forest Service senior research ecologist, and the Director of the USDA Southeast Climate Hub located in Research Triangle Park, NC. He has a Ph.D. In Natural Resources and has spent over 30 years studying environmental stress impacts and adaptive management options for forests, agriculture, and rangelands. Dr. McNulty has co-authored over 300 publications on climate change impacts and ecosystem adaptation strategies with over 20,000 citations. He is the recipient of the US Forest Service Distinguished Scientist Award. Dr. McNulty has served as a US Congressional Fellow, Forest Service Northern Research Station Director, Director of the National Forest Products Laboratory, Climate Change Chair of the North American Forestry Commission. He currently the Coordinating Lead Author of the Fifth National Climate Assessment's Southeast Chapter, principal investigator of the Updated Silvics of North America Project, and editor of Future Forests, and Elsevier book to be released in October 2023.