Luis Neves Silva
Luis Neves Silva
New Generations Plantations Lead - World Wildlife Fund
Sustainable Management and the Landscape Approach

September 27, 2022 - 11:30 AM
New Generation Plantations (NGP) has for over a decade been demonstrating a variety of lands cape approaches including agroforestry, natural forest restoration and well - managed forest plantations, that have shown that it’s possible to restore biodiversity and ecosystems while producing livelihood benefits, producing timber efficiently and profitab ly and contributing to socio - economic development. This session will take us through the NGP concept fundamentals and examples of project's implementation.
Speaker Biography
Luis Neves Silva is a Forest Engineer, specialised in Natural Resources Management, graduated from UTL - ISA (Lisbon). Luis heads the New Generation Plantations, working with the WWF Forests Forward program and the Landscapes Resilience Fund, in applying landscape approach to plantations inclusive developme nt to meet the increasing demand from a bio - economy. Luis is a founder - partner of Terraprima Agrícola and NGPTA Lda, both focusing their activity on agriculture and forestry. Luis is also a member of the IUFRO Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society & Bio-economy Task Force, to improve the interface between science, society and policy related to planted forests.