Kyle Burdick
Kyle Burdick
Vice President - Baskahegan Company
How Carbon Credits Influence Commercial Forest Management?

November 13, 2023 - 12:00 PM
Carbon Credit Programs are becoming more common among commercial landowners, but what does that mean? What motivates participation, and what behaviors have changed? What are the opportunity costs of participation? With Two Carbon projects, Baskahegan has a complex projection of management that is anything but simple.
Speaker Biography
Kyle graduated from the University of Maine in 2007 with a degree in forest management. He has worked in the Adirondacks and Maine, practicing forest management on a mix of conservation, industry, and family ownerships. He currently serves on Maine’s Outcome Based Forestry panel, the Maine Tree Farm Committee, and is a Maine Woodland Owners member and board member He is the Vice President of Baskahegan Company, with responsibilities including management policy, forest certification, land acquisitions, carbon offsets, wood sales, and general company administration. He lives in Brookton and has a Tree Farm in Cutler.