Francisco Razzolini
Francisco Razzolini
Executive Director for Technology, CTO, Sustainability, Innovaton, R&D, Projects, Automation Tech - Klabin
Innovation and Adaptation in the Planted Forest Sector
November 15, 2022 - 11:30 AM
The planted forest sector is growing and becoming the main wood source for sustaining the expansions on the forest-based industry. It´s development over the years, using science and experiments, made important improvements on the selection of better materials for each specific area, allowing better wood productivity and wood quality, generated significant learnings on silvicultural practices and on the relationship with the natural environment. Planted forests, a renewable source of materials, is mainly being used for energy, solid wood products and pulp and paper production. Within the efforts to reduce Green House Gases (GHG) emissions, these products are very relevant to a sustainable future. But not only those segments, there are many new opportunities based on wood components that can extract better value from the planted forests. Adaptation, to the changes we are facing with relevant climate events, is a new frontier for science and technology developments. This is not different on planted forest business. Environmental science and Biotechnology are new areas being used for faster answers. This webinar will present some aspects of the topics above.
Speaker Biography
Chemical Engineer – Federal University of Paraná, Master in Paper Engineering at Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña.
Working for Klabin since 1985, started as a trainee and occupied positions at Monte Alegre paper mill – newsprint and packaging papers. Moved to corporate headquarter in 1994, joining the planning, M&A and capital projects teams. On early 2000s became responsible for the development of the expansions master plans for paper production sites in the Paper Business Unit. Since 2006 has been Klabin´s Executive Director for major capital projects, and occupied executive positions at planning, procurement & supply and, R&D. Responsible for feasibility and implementation of Puma Project, Klabin´s greenfield pulp mill and as COO of the Pulp Business Unit. Today is Klabin´s CTO – responsible for R&D, Projects, Automation Technology, Sustainability and Innovation, running the implementation of Puma II Project, Klabin´s expansion on packaging paper business. Former president of the Executive Board of the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Technical Association (ABTCP) and board member of Melodea, an Israeli company for Nano Crystalline Cellulose (CNC).