Duncan MacQueen
Duncan MacQueen
Principal Researcher and Leader - Natural Resources Research Group, International Institute for Environmental and Development
Organizational Innovations that Make Community Forestry Viable
April 29, 2021 - 11:30 AM
Duncan’s presentation will focus on the role of commercial organization around accountable finance systems at four tiered levels: local producer groups, regional aggregators and processors, national advocacy federations, international alliances.
Speaker Biography
Duncan Macqueen is an experienced forest research and development practitioner. He has delivered impacts in collaborative programmes across 30-plus countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
He has been a conceptual pioneer in the design and implementation of programmes to sustain locally-controlled forest business. Impacts have included new: (i) agroforestry system improvements; (ii) funding facilities for forest and farm producer organisations; (iii) training tools and programmes for business start-up development, risk self-assessment, and business incubation; (iv) labelling options for fair trade forest businesses; (v) tiered organisational structures between producer groups that aggregate product and power; (vi) effective policy advocacy positions; and (vii) knowledge and learning products for a range of audiences.
Over the last 27 years he has authored academic, practical, and policy outputs covering agroforestry tree improvement, locally-controlled forest business, forest-linked organisations, value chain developments (in timber, non-timber forest products, biomass energy, and ecotourism), forest climate strategies, forest governance, and forest development ethics.