Cody Desautel (Colville)
Cody Desautel (Colville)
President - Intertribal Timber Council
Tribal Forest Management and the Trust Responsibility
January 25, 2024 - 12:00 PM
Tribal forest management differs from the traditional western approach used by most non-tribal land managers in the U.S. Unique tribal priorities and cultures drive management decisions and investments on tribal land. The federal government has a trust responsibility to ensure those tribal resources and assets are protected. This federal "trust responsibility" is often debated with inconsistent use of the term. How do Tribe's work within the federal government regulatory framework, and with limited federal resources to meet the needs of their tribal communities?
Speaker Biography
Cody Desautel is a member of the Colville Tribe. He has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, and master’s degree in Indian Law.
He has spent the entirety of his career working for his people on the Colville Reservation. That time includes working for both the Tribal Government and Bureau of Indian Affairs in a variety of capacities including forestry, fire management, and range. He was hired as the Natural Resource Division Director in April of 2014. A position he held until assuming the Executive Director position in June of 2022.
In addition to his regular duties he also serves as the President for the Intertribal Timber Council, and is a member of the Washington State Forest Practice Board, Wildland Fire Advisory Committee, and Forest Health Advisory Committee.