The Overstory

Tri-Annual publication of Forest-Centric news produced by the Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment

YSE Forest-Related Faculty Publications: Spring 2021

See below for a list of YSE forestry-related faculty publications with their students and alumni (bolded) for February 2021-May 2021.

Bradford, M. A., Wood, S. A., Addicott, E. T., Fenichel, E. P., Fields, N., González-Rivero, J., … & Wieder, W. R. (2021). Quantifying microbial control of soil organic matter dynamics at macrosystem scales. (link is external) Biogeochemistry, 1-22.

Cuneo, I. F., Barrios‐Masias, F., Knipfer, T., Uretsky, J., Reyes, C., Lenain, P., Brodersen, C. R.,… & McElrone, A. J. (2021). Differences in grapevine rootstock sensitivity and recovery from drought are linked to fine root cortical lacunae and root tip function. (link is external) New Phytologist, 229(1), 272-283.

Davies, S. J., Abiem, I., Salim, K. A., Aguilar, S., Allen, D., Alonso, A., … Comita, L. S., … & Yap, S. L. (2021). ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network. (link is external) Biological Conservation, 253, 108907.

Dernbach, J. C., Schang, S. E., Adler, R. W., Boudreaux, K., Bouman, J., Babineaux-Fontenot, C., …Torres, G., … & Wilson, A. (2021). Making America A Better Place for All: Sustainable Development Recommendations for the Biden Administration. (link is external)

Dove, M. R. (2021). Bitter Shade: The Ecological Challenge of Human Consciousness (link is external). Yale University Press.

Fanton, A. C., & Brodersen, C. (2021). Hydraulic consequences of enzymatic breakdown of grapevine pit membranes. (link is external) Plant Physiology.

Favero, A., Mendelsohn, R., Sohngen, B., & Stocker, B. (2021). Assessing the long-term interactions of climate change and timber markets on forest land and carbon storage. (link is external) Environmental Research Letters16(1), 014051.

Hanle, J., Singhakumara, B. M., & Ashton, M. S. (2021). Complex Small-Holder Agriculture in Rainforest Buffer Zone, Sri Lanka, Supports Endemic Birds. (link is external) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 57.

Keiser, A. D., Warren, R., Filley, T., & Bradford, M. A. (2021). Signatures of an abiotic decomposition pathway in temperate forest leaf litter. (link is external) Biogeochemistry, 153(2), 177-190.

Klein, W., Dove, M. R., & Felson, A. J. (2021). Engaging the unengaged: Understanding residents’ perceptions of social access to urban public space (link is external). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 59, 126991.

Koh, V., Burow, P., Kanoi, L., & Dove, M. R. (2021). Locating the ‘Rural’in Anthropology. (link is external) The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology, 296.

Martin, M. P., Peters, C. M., Asbjornsen, H., & Ashton, M. S. (2021). Diversity and niche differentiation of a mixed pine–oak forest in the Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico. (link is external) Ecosphere, 12(4), e03475.

McCary, M. A., & Schmitz, O. J. (2021). Invertebrate functional traits and terrestrial nutrient cycling: insights from a global meta‐analysis. (link is external) Journal of Animal Ecology.

Mendelsohn, R. (2021). The Extent of Future Damages from Climate Change. (link is external) In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.

Meng, L., Mao, J., Zhou, Y., Richardson, A. D., Lee, X., Thornton, P. E., … & Jia, G. (2020). Urban warming advances spring phenology but reduces the response of phenology to temperature in the conterminous United States. (link is external) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(8), 4228-4233.

Murphy, S. J., & Comita, L. S. (2021). Large mammalian herbivores contribute to conspecific negative density dependence in a temperate forest. (link is external) Journal of Ecology, 109(3), 1194-1209.

Pak, D., Swamy, V., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Cornejo, F., Queenborough, S. A., Metz, M. R., … & Lasky, J. R. (2021). Multi-scale phenological niches in diverse Amazonian plant communities. (link is external) bioRxiv.

Penagos Zuluaga, J. C., van der Werff, H., Park, B., Eaton, D. A., Comita, L. S., Queenborough, S. A., & Donoghue, M. J. (2021). Resolved phylogenetic relationships in the Ocotea complex (Supraocotea) facilitate phylogenetic classification and studies of character evolution. (link is external) American Journal of Botany.

Piotto, D., Magnago, L. F. S., Montagnini, F., Ashton, M. S., Oliver, C., & Thomas, W. W. (2021). Nearby mature forest distance and regenerating forest age influence tree species composition in the Atlantic forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil. (link is external) Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-16.

Pregitzer, C. C., Charlop-Powers, S., & Bradford, M. A. (2021). Natural Area Forests in US Cities: Opportunities and Challenges. (link is external) Journal of Forestry, 119(2), 141-151.

Rad, M. R., Adamowicz, W., Entem, A., Fenichel, E. P., & Lloyd-Smith, P. (2021). Complementarity (Not Substitution) Between Natural and Produced Capital: Evidence from the Panama Canal Expansion. (link is external)

Rehim, A., Amjad Bashir, M., Raza, Q. U. A., Gallagher, K., & Berlyn, G. P. (2021). Yield Enhancement of Biostimulants, Vitamin B12, and CoQ10 Compared to Inorganic Fertilizer in Radish. (link is external) Agronomy, 11(4), 697.

Scanlan, C. N., Doroski, D. A., Murphy-Dunning, C., & Ashton, M. P. (2021). Urban Resources Initiative: A University Model for Clinical Urban Forestry Education. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 47(1).

Singhal, S., Roddy, A. B., DiVittorio, C., Sanchez‐Amaya, A., Henriquez, C. L., Brodersen, C. R., … & Zapata, F. (2021). Diversification, disparification and hybridization in the desert shrubs Encelia. (link is external) New Phytologist, 230(3), 1228-1241.

Taylor, D. E. (2021). Understanding Black, Asian, Latinx, and White College Students’ Views of Nature: Frequent Thoughts About Wild, Remote, Rural, and Urban Landscapes. (link is external) American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642211013403.

Taylor, D. E., Lusuegro, A., Loong, V., Cambridge, A., Nichols, C., Goode, M., … & Pollvogt, B. (2021). Racial, Gender, and Age Dynamics in Michigan’s Urban and Rural Farmers Markets: Reducing Food Insecurity, and the Impacts of a Pandemic. (link is external) American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642211013387.

Trueba, S., Theroux-Rancourt, G., Earles, J. M., Buckley, T. N., Love, D., Johnson, D. M., & Brodersen, C. (2021). The 3D construction of leaves is coordinated with water use efficiency in conifers. (link is external) bioRxiv.

Umaña, M. N., Condit, R., Pérez, R., Turner, B. L., Wright, S. J., & Comita, L. S. (2021). Shifts in taxonomic and functional composition of trees along rainfall and phosphorus gradients in central Panama. (link is external) Journal of Ecology, 109(1), 51-61.

Ward, E. B., Doroski, D. A., Felson, A. J., Hallett, R. A., Oldfield, E. E., Kuebbing, S. E., & Bradford, M. A. (2021). Positive long‐term impacts of restoration on soils in an experimental urban forest. (link is external) Ecological Applications, e2336.

Wason, J., Bouda, M., Lee, E. F., McElrone, A. J., Phillips, R. J., Shackel, K. A., … & Brodersen, C. (2021). Xylem network connectivity and embolism spread in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). (link is external) Plant Physiology.

Wirsing, A. J., Heithaus, M. R., Brown, J. S., Kotler, B. P., & Schmitz, O. J. (2021). The context dependence of non‐consumptive predator effects (link is external). Ecology Letters, 24(1), 113-129.

Woodmansee, R. G., Coughenour, M. B., Paustian, K., Parton, W. J., Stohlgren, T. J., Romme, W. H., … Burke, I., … & Reid, R. (2021). Evolution of the Systems Ecology Paradigm in Managing Ecosystems (link is external). Natural Resource Management Reimagined: Using the Systems Ecology Paradigm, 202.

Xia, Q., Chen, C., Yao, Y., Li, J., He, S., Zhou, Y., … & Hu, L. (2021). A strong, biodegradable and recyclable lignocellulosic bioplastic. (link is external) Nature Sustainability, 1-9.


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