Monique Wynecoop (Atsugewi / Mountain Maidu)

Monique Wynecoop (Atsugewi / Mountain Maidu)

Tri-Regional Fire Ecologist - Northwest, Rocky Mountain, and Alaska Regions, Bureau of Indian Affairs

Tribes and Fire: Rebuilding Connections with Communities, Fire, and the Land

March 28, 2024 - 12:00 PM

This presentation will talk about the value of fire/fuel programs working closely with food sovereignty gardens and Tribal communities and the importance of collaborative monitoring for fire/fuels management effects on diverse social and ecological systems.

Speaker Biography

I’m Pit River (enrolled Atsugewi) and Mountain Maidu.  I am currently working for the Bureau of Indian Affairs as Tri-Regional Fire Ecologist for the Northwest, Alaska, and Rocky Mountain Regions.  I was the NE WA Area Fire Ecologist for the USDA Forest Service for 16 years within the ancestral homelands of the Spokane, Colville, and Kalispel Tribes. My career has focused on monitoring and adaptive management of wildfires, fuels, and ecosystems; building and strengthening transparency, communication, and trust between Tribal communities and agencies; and supporting Tribal community wellness, food sovereignty, and community led science through improved collaboration.

Event Video