Dawn Blake (Yurok)
Dawn Blake (Yurok)
Director - Yurok Forestry Department, State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
The Current State of Tribal Forest Management
February 22, 2024 - 12:00 PM
Speaker Biography
Dawn Blake is a member of the Hoopa Valley Tribe and a Yurok descendant. She became the Yurok Tribe Forestry Director in February of 2021. In September 2022, the California Governor, Gavin Newsom, appointed Dawn Blake to the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. Making her the first native human to hold the position.
Dawn holds a Master of Science degree in natural resources. Before becoming Director of the Forestry Department, she spent 20 years as a wildlife biologist for the Hoopa Tribe’s Forestry Department. As a biologist, she helped with various projects within the wildlife department, including the long-term demographic study of spotted owls (Strix occidentalis), the known fate study of Pacific Fisher (Pekania pennanti), and her own study of pileated woodpeckers on the Hoopa Valley reservation. Additionally, she assisted with the capture and processing of spotted owls, fishers, bears, bobcats, mountain lions, and salamanders. She has also participated on the Tribe’s Interdisciplinary Team for sales, including timber sales, and Forest Management updates. In 2020, Dawn developed a team and carried out a Natural Resources Symposium for the local region highlighting some of the great works of the local tribes for restoration and conservation.
As the Yurok Forestry Director, she manages more than 70,000 acres of Yurok-owned forest for the benefit of current and future generations of Yurok people. Dawn oversees the Tribe’s 15,000-acre Old-Growth Forest and Salmon Sanctuary on Blue Creek, a critically important tributary of the Klamath River. She also administers sustainable and selective timber harvest and thinning operations. She is well-acquainted with the threats facing California’s natural resources and rural communities, such as the recent record-breaking wildfires. More importantly, she is passionate about resolving these risks to California’s residents and resources.