Peter Kanowski, Ivone Namikawa, Gary Dunning, and Mark Ashton

Peter Kanowski, Ivone Namikawa, Gary Dunning, and Mark Ashton

Global Overview of Planted Forests

September 06, 2022 - 11:30 AM

The extent and significance of planted forests – globally, nationally and locally – continue to grow. Tree plantations, the subset of planted forests established and managed primarily for industrial wood production, now provide around half the world’s industrial wood

from around 3% of global forest area. These plantations, typically of exotic monocultures, have also been controversial, because of the environmental and social impacts that can be associated with them. Planted forests of various forms are central to forest and landscape
restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation, future wood production, and to livelihoods associated with these. They deserve to be a core focus of study and practice in the 21st Century.

Speaker Biographies

Peter Kanowski

Peter Kanowski is Professor of Forestry in the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, Canberra. His academic work on planted forests began soon after his appointment to Oxford University’s Forestry Institute in 1989, and continued through participation in The Forest Dialogue’s Intensively-Managed Planted Forests (2005 – 2008) and Tree Plantations in the Landscape (2015 – present) initiatives. Peter works with colleagues and students on a range of forest governance topics in Australia, Asia and the Pacific, and more widely (see here (link is external)). in addition to his work with TFD, he has played leading roles in various Australian multistakeholder forest processes.

Ivone Namikawa

Ivone works in Forest Sustainability at Klabin SA. She plays a leading role in the company’s local, regional and global engagement with non-governmental organizations and sector associa-tions. Ivone represents Klabin at the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Forests Dialogue (TFD), and in different Committees at Brazilian Tree Industry (IBA). At FSC, besides representing Klabin, Ivone is a member of the Policy and Standards Committee at FSC International. Ivone has extensive experience in Environment and Forest Management, with emphasis in social and environmental issues and forest certification. Ivone is co-leader of TFD’s Steering Committee along with Milagre Nuvunga.

She has been working in Klabin Sustainability staff for six years. Previously, she developed her career at Klabin as a Tree Breeding Specialist (fifteen years) and Forest Research and Environ-ment Coordinator (ten years).

Ivone holds a BSc in Forestry from Sao Paulo University (ES-ALQ-USP) and a MSc in Forestry from the Federal University of Paraná.

Gary Dunning

Gary is the Executive Director of The Forests Dialogue (TFD) and is directly responsible for the operation of TFD’s Secretariat. The Secretariat is hosted by Yale University at the School of the Environment in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Prior to his current position, Gary ran several forestry programmes at Yale University including the Global Institute of Sustainable of Forestry and the Yale Forest Forum. He began his tenure at Yale 11 years ago as the National Coordinator for the Seventh American Forest Congress – the US’s largest and most complex stakeholder dialogue process to date. He also served as the United States Coordinator and Liaison to the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development and has served as a member on US delegations to UNFF and WSSD. Prior to coming to Yale Gary taught agroforestry and forest extension techniques at the Kenya Forestry College in Londiani, Kenya, and he worked briefly as a Community Forestry Research Assistant in Papua New Guinea. He holds a Masters of Forestry Degree from Yale University in International Forest Policy and a Bachelors Degree from Humboldt State University in forestry.

Mark Ashton

Dr. Mark Ashton is the Morris K. Jesup Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, and the Director of the Yale Forests. He has conducted over thirty-five years of research on the biological and physical processes governing the dynamics of natural forests and on the creation of their agroforestry analogs. His long-term research concentrates on tropical and temperate forests of the Asian and American realms. His field sites within these regions were selected specifically to allow comparison of growth, adaptation, and plasticity within and among close assemblages of species that have evolved within forest climates with differing degrees of seasonality. The results of his research have been applied to the development and testing of silvicultural techniques for restoration of degraded lands. He is the author of over 160 peer reviewed journal papers; an author of two field guides to tropical forest trees; an author of the primary silviculture textbook used throughout North America; and an editor or author to twelve other monographs and books concerning the management of forests for a variety of social values concerning agroforestry, watershed management and climate mitigation. Ashton has been recognized by fourteen university awards for his teaching and advising, the David M. Smith Award for Silvicultural Research by the Society of American Foresters, and the UNESCO Sultan Quaboos Award for tropical forest conservation. 

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