Ana Leite Bastos

Ana Leite Bastos

CEO - Urbem

The Brazilian Forests and The Mass Timber Market

September 30, 2021 - 11:30 AM


  • Brazilian Biomes
  • Planted forests
  • Forest productivity, Brazilian Pinus and Brazilian market, focus on civil construction
  • An overview of Urbem and our factory
  • Mass timber: what is CLT and Glulam
  • Benefits of mass timber
  • Global certifications

Speaker Biography

With 25 years of experience in the Chemical, Petrochemical and Renewable Energy markets. Ana Bastos comes from the British multinational British Petroleum, which operates in more than 100 countries, where she led the 2nd generation ethanol business and the Biofuels Division in Brazil. At Urbem since 2018, she came to act as CEO, structuring the new phase of the company, focus on civil construction market.

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