Chadwick Dearing Oliver, Faculty Director of the GISF, received the prestigious Host Country Scientific Achievement Award at the 2014 IUFRO World Congress (link is external). This award honors truly outstanding and accomplished scientists from the Congress host country who have elevated the profile of forest science and research. Dr. Oliver received the award at the Opening Ceremony, on October 6, 2014.
Dr. Oliver’s early work focused on the basic understanding of how forest stands develop and can be managed silviculturally. Much of this research was summarized in Forest Stand Dynamics, a seminal volume published in 1990 (updated in 1996) with co-author Dr. Bruce Larson. Dr. Oliver has continued this research, expanding it globally and focusing on how this understanding can help resolve scientific, technical, environmental, and management issues at the landscape and global levels. His Landscape Management System - a downloadable, computer based tool for managing timber resources, wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration, and fire protection - has been used widely to analyze and visualize the effects of disturbances and management on landscapes. Dr. Oliver has authored more than 150 publications; including journal articles, book chapters, and symposia proceedings. He has served on Boards of Directors of foundations and companies, Editorial Boards, government advisory panels, and Ph.D. committees of students from many parts of the world.