Landscape Management

The foundation of landscape management is knowledge: knowledge of forest conditions; of forest dynamics and response to disturbance; of scientific management processes that avoid or minimize unintended consequences and inefficiencies; and of modern computing and information technologies that efficiently synthesize and manage the ever-growing information resources on forests. Forest ecosystems can be defined at a variety of scales - a stand, a landscape, a region, a continent. At all scales, they are dynamic - constantly changing from one condition to another. In managing forest ecosystems an understanding and appreciation of the biological, social, and economic dynamics are required.

Program Mission

The Program on Landscape Management seeks to develop, disseminate, and teach the application of methods and tools to facilitate effective and integrative forest management at the landscape level. These skills, knowledge, and tools enable land managers to develop and implement successful management strategies that address multiple ecological values at varying spatial, temporal, cultural, and economic scales.

Increasing importance is being placed upon an emerging set of values, including the preservation of species diversity, wildlife habitat, soil and water conservation, recreation and cultural values, and carbon sequestration. By managing from a landscape approach, financial, commodity and non-commodity values are provided in the same forest area by using silvicultural operations to ensure that all stand structures and other values are maintained across the landscape. Additionally, visualizations and other user-friendly features of the computer tools help document future expected conditions of the forest.

Core Activities

Development, Implementation and Utilization of the Landscape Management System (LMS) - We are continuing to develop and refine a set of computer applications and tools designed to facilitate the analysis and communication of landscape-scale forest management decisions. LMS is being used to develop management plans for an array of land managers including projects with Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and Potlatch Corporation in Idaho.

Professional Short Courses

Several short courses are being conducted in the United States and abroad to teach mid-career professionals to be proficient users of LMS.

Evaluation of Forest Certification
LMS is being utilized to analyze and evaluate the effects of certification on sustainability over time.

Yale-Myers Forest
LMS is being applied to the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (FES) forest in Union, Connecticut.

Forest Landscape Management: Scientific Basis, Methods, and Technical Tools
This graduate course is being taught at FES by Dr. Chad Oliver.

LMS Tools and Accompanying Educational Materials
We are continually enhancing and distributing LMS tools and materials for academic and professional application.