Fernanda Rodrigues

Fernanda Rodrigues

Executive Secretary - Brazilian Forests Dialogue

Community Forest Management Experiences in Brazil: Scenarios and Case Studies

April 01, 2021 - 11:30 AM

Fernanda’s presentation will focus on the state of art, main challenges, and opportunities for community forest management in Brazilian Amazon. Case studies will illustrate how forest management is being performed by communities, as well the governance system adopted.

Speaker Biography

Fernanda has a MSc on Forest Policy and Economics and is a Forestry Engineer from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). She studied part of her undergraduate education at AlbertLudwigs-Universität Freiburg in Germany. She lived in the Brazilian Amazon, working as a consultant on governmental projects financed by the IDB, focusing on environmental licensing, strategic planning and the creation of environmental education councils. In the pulp and paper sector, Fernanda was an engineer of certification and sustainability at Klabin S.A. She worked for five years as a technical coordinator at the Forest Stewardship Council – FSC in Brazil and has collaborated on FSC International projects, with emphasis placed on standards setting processes, coordination of working groups, dispute resolution, pesticides derogation, and training programs. Appointed as Ambassador of the process of elaboration for the International Generic Indicators of the FSC, Fernanda represented the Youth and Children Major Group at the IV United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and was part of the Women Major Group at the XXIII UNFF. Fernanda is also the founder member of the Forest Women Network and has been leading the Brazilian Forests Dialogue since September 2018.

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